Ryan Anderson

Annuity Workshops

Expert annuity producer, Ryan Anderson teaches how to run a compliant, revenue generating workshop for retirees.


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Course Information

Objective: Create a seminar presentation and develop a turnkey seminar solution to add this powerful tool to your business.

Elevate your practice with insights from expert Annuity and Medicare producers, Ryan Anderson and Kylee Mollotte. Join them as they provide comprehensive training on running compliant and impactful workshops for retirees. This training will empower you with the skills and confidence needed to effectively present to groups, ensuring you can guide your clients toward informed retirement planning decisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and expand your practice!

Some of the items we'll cover:

  • Identify the type and locations of seminars you want to hold.

  • What is best for your market and will give you the best return on investment?

  • Meet outside organizations to help you fill the room.

  • Detail out common mistakes and pitfalls new agents fall into.

  • Create a custom seminar presentation.

  • Learn and practice best practices for seminar presentation.

Class Materials

3 Recommended Resources

Expedition Retirement

Define Your Why, Secure Your...



You've been climbing the career mountain for decades. But are you prepared for what comes after you reach the summit? If retirement feels like a daunting cliff, you need a guidebook to navigate this new terrain.

Here's a retirement truth most overlook: reaching the pinnacle is just the start. Just like climbing Mount Everest, it's not only about reaching the top—it's about the journey down, too. In this book you’ll discover some vital principles for a fulfilling descent, such as:

  • Defining Your Retirement

  • Why

  • The Three Income Buckets

  • The Retirement Uncheck List

    Whether you’re on secure financial footing or you feel like you’re teetering on the edge, it’s never too late to get clarity and take control. Expedition Retirement is a compass as you embark on your greatest adventure yet. It's time to define your why, secure your income, and—most importantly—enjoy every step of the way.

Income Allocation

Enhance Your Retirement Security


When you stop working and the paychecks no longer arrive regularly, how will you replace them? In Income Allocation: Enhance Your Retirement Security, you'll discover how to keep the cash flowing in retirement like you did during your working years. Financial advisor David Gaylor reveals how you can assure yourself of regular, reliable income, regardless of how financial markets perform or how long your retirement lasts.

Paychecks and Playchecks

Retirement Solutions for Life


Paychecks and Playchecks: Retirement Solutions For Life is a guide for retirement that is built for uncertain markets like the one we are in today. The Paychecks and Playchecks strategy is a mathematically and scientifically proven approach that will enable you to create a secure retirement, no matter how long you live. You will learn how to retire with enough guaranteed lifetime income to cover your basic expenses and how to optimize the rest of your portfolio to make sure you receive your playchecks. You want to feel comfortable that you have a strategy in place so that your basic living expenses are covered for life―and there is something leftover to play with. With the crazy financial markets of the last decade, most people feel that a storybook retirement is no longer possible. Here to save the day is Tom Hegna, an economist, retired Lieutenant Colonel and former senior executive officer of a Fortune 100 company. He shares the math and science behind a successful retirement. Despite what most experts say, happily ever after is still within your grasp.


Leaders who value their team know how critical training and development is. We come to you and give your team our systems.

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